Past Events
2019 Events
Please join us for
Pride in the Park
June 8, 2019
Mathews Park (just down the street from where we meet)
295 West Ave Norwalk CT
Click HERE for more information
Daytime activities are family friendly, and it gets a little wilder at night.
PFLAG will have a table again this year. We will have some information to hand out or purchase, and some appropriate giveaways.
We need friendly volunteers to help us make this happen.
Please contact Kathy Steffens at [email protected] to volunteer.

2017 Events

2017 Pride in the Park
2016 Events
2016 Pride in the Park
Pride in the Park was hosted at Matthews Park by the Triangle Community Center on Sunday, June 5th. A great time was had by all, despite the miserable weather. Thanks to all of you who stopped at our PFLAG Norwalk table!
We hope you will join us for our monthly meeting on the second Sunday of the month.